
This is in the group of the largest salvia plants to 4m x 1-2m and could cover a big area if you never cut it back or it got frosted,    .It also flowers well a metre high or any size really.      It is quite stunning with large red flowers in a blackish calyx. The calyx won’t be as dark if grown in shade but it will still flower well wherever it is.

It is fairly frost tolerant to -2C but tender growth could burn. It flowers most in cooler months for a long time. Gesneriiflora is quick growing.

Correctly botanically it should not be called ‘Tequila’ but I have given up on this one as it is thus widely known. The species has a green calyx.

It seems to hybridise to pink quite often.   There are two variations of pink about in Australia.   The above being Pink Parfait.

Price:  $9


Order gesneriiflora gerneriiflora red @ $9.00