A  neat evergreen grey leaved hybrid, autumn/winter flowering, indigo blue, 1-2m

This is a variety originating around Carolina in the U.S. and named after a small relative. It appears to be a hybrid between S. leucantha and elegans.    It is an evergreen rounded suckering  shrub towards 2m high  with indigo fls. autumn onwards. Leaves are an attractive greyish green. It will tolerate part shade or full sun is probably best.

It is drought hardy and can take frost to -2C.

Since 2009 we have had a  Sth. Australian variety of this plant –, ‘Meigan’s Magic’ with white corolla and the indigo calyx that  is a popular plant.  As at September 2021 I am out of  Meigan’s Magic for a little while and there is a limit of one per parcel..

Price:   $9