We have had this salvia from South Africa in Australia for 20 years or so. It has rough evergreen foliage and frequent long mauve tubular flowers on a small plant about 40cm high. I imagine it would survive in most of … Continue reading
Pictures of salvia sclarea are often found in ancient herb books. It has been used medicinally in Europe for hundreds of years. Probably most of the herb books came from that part of the world so it was often featured. It is often sold but … Continue reading
This is a very pretty shrubby salvia which has been in Australia since the early 1990′s. I first saw it in Betsy Clebsch’s garden and was able to bring some seed home. It comes from the state of Oaxaca in … Continue reading
Sometimes people are overwhelmed by the choice so to make it easy to begin I make a special offer of 12 plants for the price of 10, but of MY CHOICE, plus postage. I generally send plants which are the … Continue reading
Subrotunda is a South American short lived perennial although since it self seeds you are unlikely to lose it. It was only found this century near Iguassu Falls. It stands up straight towards a metre with lots of bright orange flowers. Recently … Continue reading