Adenophora came into Australia sometime last century as seed called S.pulchella but I think it is always given its correct name nowadays. It comes from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Adenophora has bright scarlet flowers mainly in autumn and winter … Continue reading
This salvia is perhaps more correctly called just plain Africana these days but I got to know it with the caerulea and I think it is more descriptive. (I don’t always believe these name changers get it right.) This … Continue reading
‘Amistad’ was a new release in Australia in 2013. ’Amistad’ grows to two metres high and wide and has a lot of flowers that are deep purple. They are on one side of the spike only. It is similar to ‘Purple Majesty’ but the foliage is denser and … Continue reading
‘Angel Wings’ is an Australian hybrid looking mostly like a microphylla. It is a particularly good performer with masses of two tone pink flowers from spring to winter. Height and width is approximately 80cm. Probably sun is best. Frost and drought hardy. … Continue reading
. Arizonica, from Arizona not surprisingly, is a pretty deep blue wanderer for front areas of the border. It is not a strong invader that can’t be … Continue reading
In Australia we have been a bit muddled as to what is aurita and it seems to be a small plant with pale blue flowers which I had once or twice. Aurita galpini is a fairly vigorous evergreen ground cover … Continue reading
Azurea is an American sage fairly well known in Australia. It is a very pretty heavenly mid blue with canes about 1.5m high. However it does not have its flowers until late summer and by then it is usually flopping. … Continue reading